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New Post
27/01/2016 16:58
I am new user of EPPI Reviewer 4. Recently, I tried to manage duplicates. It seems that it worked very well until I found two articles that still have duplications after checking the results. I tried to get new duplicates and refresh list but it didn't change. The two duplication papers still appear. what should I do to fix this? and I want these duplication to be included in the table of 'sources' as well. Thanks in advance
New Post
28/01/2016 09:44

Hello Nurul, 

Running 'Get new duplicates'  multiple times will not change the duplicates groups if the items in the review haven't changed. If there are items that the grouping algorithms are not bringing together it must be that the system doesn't feel they are similar enough to group

For this situation you can manually place items into an existing group or create a new group and place them in that group. If you have the items displayed in the ‘Documents’ tab and go to the ‘Manual/Advanced’ tab in the ‘Manage duplicate groups’ window you can manually add items to an existing group or click on the + symbol to create a new group. You can find details on this in the user manual under 'Manually adding a duplicate' (pg. 34) and 'Create a new duplicate group' (pg. 37).

Best regards,



New Post
28/01/2016 12:54
Hi, Jeff Thanks a lot. Problem solved
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