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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reports: removing pdf nameReports: removing pdf name
New Post
08/01/2016 18:30


When I am doing any kind of reports, I am always getting the name of the pdf before every single coded text. Example:

Research Question
[Name of pdf] Page 10: Coded text x

[Name of pdf] Page 15: Coded text y
[Name of pdf] Page 17: Coded text z

How can I remove the name of the pdf and the page number in my reports? I have been unsuccessfully searching how for quite a while now. I would really appreciate any help on this.

Thank you!

New Post
25/01/2016 14:09

Hello Melanie,

I must apologise for the slow response to your question. For some reason I didn't notice it was there.

You can't remove the pdf name in the initial report but you can run a 'Search and replace' to get rid of it. The report is displayed in the 'report viewer' window. If you type Ctrl-f a Find/Replace window will appear. If you search for '[Name of pdf]' (i.e. the name of the pdf) and replace it with '' (blank) you can remove the pdf name in one operation. After the replace is finished you can then save the report.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reports: removing pdf nameReports: removing pdf name

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