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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Extracting date and page number for news articlesExtracting date and page number for news articles
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07/11/2014 04:41


I am doing a project involving extracting data from news articles. While I know how to set up codes for screening, and extracting data such as newspaper title, and author, I am having trouble with other variables.

I am interested in extracting date and page number.

Currently I do this by creating new code set - standard - "date" or "page number" - selectable (show check box). Then I read articles and I click the "date" box and type (mm/dd/yyyy) in the info box. How to I get a report/list of the information I put in the info box? Is there another way to get this type of data?



New Post
07/11/2014 10:26

Hello Steven,

Entering the all of the data at once into an Info box will store the information and you will be able to see that information when you generate reports. The disadvantage to this approach is when you wish to identify items from a particular day or month. To be able to identify items based on this type of data you would want to have the dates as selectable answers in your coding tool. This would allow you to run frequency reports or cross-tabs.

Unfortunately there are too many dates in history for each to be a possible answer so I would suggest breaking them down into ranges. You could have a 'What was the year' question and the possible answers could 1900-1909, 1910-1919, etc. The range would depend on the spread of your possible years. I would probably also enter the actual year in the info box corresponding to the answer selected. If you were only looking at articles from the last 20 years you could have an answer for each year. 

You could create a similar breakdown for months and days if that was information you wanted to examine independently.

I would still have a question and answer where you would enter the full date as you probably would want to see that in any report you might be running.

When setting this up I would make sure I followed the question and answer format. By this I mean you would have a question such as 'What was the date' and below that you would have a selected answer such as 'Please enter date'. The date would be entered in the info box at the answer level rather than the question level. This will make it much easier to run reports later that mixed the various components of your date.

As for recording page numbers, having ranges might not be so useful so I would use the question and answer format and record that information in the answer info box.

Best regards,



New Post
07/11/2014 14:56

 Hi Jeff, thank you for your quick reply!

I have set it up in the question and answer format, and entered the date in the info box at the answer level, as you suggested.

Now I am having trouble running a report. When I click "run", and try to select the saved report under the drop-down function, my screen either freezes (and the silverlight plugin crashes), or it directs me to a blank screen.

I am not able to create a report. Could you please direct me?



New Post
07/11/2014 15:15

Hello Steven,

If the system is freezing when running a report I would suspect the number of items in the report might be the issue. When a report is run (in the 'Reports' tab) it is generated on the client side (the reviewer's computer). The maximum number of items that you could include in your report would depend on the resources that your computer can make available. What might be happening to you is that your computer is using up all of its RAM generating/drawing the report and it freezes up the browser to keep more vital operations active.

You could test this by running your report against a smaller number of items. If it runs successfully then a resource issue is most likely the problem. In that case you could divide up your items and run two (or as many as necessary reports) to include all of your items.

Could you try that and let us know how that works out for you.

Best regards,


New Post
07/11/2014 15:20

 Hi Jeff,

 It turns out I wasn't creating a report properly. At first, upon going to the reports tab, I typed in the report title, edited columns and saved the report. However, this resulted in the freezing.

Then I tried creating a new report first, then typing in the report title, editing columns and then saving. This worked for me.


New Post
07/11/2014 15:24

Hello Steven,

It shouldn't make a difference whether you created the new report or just used the default new report (that exists if a report hasn't been created yet) but if it is working for you now we can leave it at that.

If you run into any other issues please let us know.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Extracting date and page number for news articlesExtracting date and page number for news articles

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