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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Displaying Extracted Data where document data has been extracted to more than one subject topicDisplaying Extracted Data where document data has been extracted to more than one subject topic
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13/10/2014 17:32

 Data extraction for a review was already undertaken but I have taken on the project of re-entering all the data into EPPI reviewer to show how much more useful it would be for future data extraction, it was only being used as a data and screening management tool thus far. I have had no problem setting up a data extraction tool, codes, coding and adding appropriate data and even running reports. However the problem I have encountered is that there does not seem to be a way to separately display data for a study (and 2-3 others)  that had data extracted under a number of different subject topic headings. So when I run the report of one subject topic heading I get all the subject topic headings responses for that particular document because it was extracted for more than one subject topic heading. Is there any way around this? My way of tackling it was to export reports to MS Word and manually separate out the extracted data for this particular report (and 2-3 others) in each relevant subject topic (everything else would only have been allocated to one subject topic each anyway). Is this the best that I can do in this regard?

New Post
14/10/2014 11:02

Hello Rachel,

From what you are describing I would suggest using the configurable reports that you can access in the 'Reports' tab.

The configurable report functions will allow you to create a report structure based on selected sections of your data extraction tool (or any of your coding tools). You can then specify whether you want to display the codes selected while coding, any/or textual data that was entered in the Info box and/or text selected in your uploaded PDF documents using the line-by-line coding functionality. Once this structure has been created and saved you can then run it against any coded items or groups of coded items.

If there is a particular format that you are looking to create you can send me an example to and I can then let you know how best to create it in EPPI-Reviewer.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Displaying Extracted Data where document data has been extracted to more than one subject topicDisplaying Extracted Data where document data has been extracted to more than one subject topic

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