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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Double coding of a subsetDouble coding of a subset
New Post
27/08/2014 07:40


Is it possible to double code items in a specific sub set?

I have created an include sub set, and a number of exclude sub sets, but I also have a sub set of items that I am not sure of and would like for one of the other reviewers to double check.

I can see how to change to 'comparison data entry' on the entire set, but cannot seem to do this for a sub set only.

Many thanks


New Post
27/08/2014 11:16

Hello Briony,

'Comparison' and 'Normal' data entry is a property of the codeset rather than the item being coded. To use comparison/double coding on a subset of items you would need to change the property of the coding tool and then just work on that subset of items. If you moved to other items outside of that subset you would still be using comparison coding.

You could set up a coding allocation for that subset to be sure you only coded those items. When you were done double coding those items you could then change the property of the coding tool back to 'Normal' data entry. If that subset was already coded before you started double coding you would first need to 'uncomplete' that coding so the second reviewer would not see that already applied codes.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Double coding of a subsetDouble coding of a subset

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