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New Post
26/08/2014 17:39


I'am dealing with lot of sources in EPPI. I want to replace a previous database by a new one because our search strategy changed.  But I have already coded some of the references in the preivous database. I actually need a way to save what was already done, for example export the references already coded.

1- Is there a way to save the whole review?

1- Is there a way in EPPI to select what I need to export? For example, I don't want to export all the abstract of each reference, just the codes (otherwise the exported doc file is too long with hundreds of pages and not very easy to use...). 

2- is there a way to export using an excel file? 

Thanks for your help,



New Post
27/08/2014 11:43

Hello MJ,

Saving a whole review will involve a number of steps.

To export your references you will need to select them and then click the 'Export references' icon.This will generate an RIS formatted text file of your references.

You can export your coding tools by selecting them in the Codes tab and clicking the 'Print codeset' icon. You can also copy your coding tools within and across reviews using the copy codeset utiltiy that you can find in the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 account and review manager' that you can find on the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 gateway'.

There are different ways to export your coding out of EPPI-Reviewer. The easiest way is to generate a coding report. This can be done by clicking on the 'Get coding report(s)...' icon that you can find on the 'Documents' tab. You can choose the items and the codiing tools to specify which coding you want exported. This can be saved as a word file. If you wanted the file in excel you could save it as an html file and then open it in excel.

If you wanted to restrict the export to specific parts of the coding tool you could generate a report in the 'Reports' tab. This will allow you to selected specific parts of your coding tools and when you run the report you can specify which items to include in the report. As with the coding report you can save it as a word file or and html file (and then open it in excel).

There isn't a way of exporting your coding from one review and importing it into another. In the future we would like to have a 'copy review' option but that is not available at the present time.

I should add that we do not delete reviews from the system so for most situations exporting data might not be necessary. Even if your user account expires we can always give you read-only access so you will have access to your data.

Best regards,


New Post
27/08/2014 17:46

Thank you so much Jeff. This is very helpful. Another question: When I choose to delete a source from the tab "sources", is it really deleted or just masked?

Thank again,


New Post
28/08/2014 12:46

Hello MJ

Deleting a source is a two step process.

If you click on the trash can in the sources tab the source is marked as deleted but remains in the database. Those items (and any coding associated with them) will not be available to the programs searching and reporting functions. You can undo this deletion in the sources tab.

If you want to completely delete the source from the database you must first delete the source in the sources tab and then delete it in the 'Manage sources' tab that you can find in the 'Add / manage sources' window (that you can access through the sources tab). That second delete will premanently remove the source (and its items) from the database.

Best regards,


New Post
30/08/2014 14:25
Thanks so much. MJ
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