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New Post
18/06/2014 12:29


A small concern this morning when i logged on and looked at the collaborate tab. The reviewer is no longer showing that i have 1362 articles allocated to me and Jennifer. It shold also show that i have coded 1362 abstracts and Jennifer has not started yet. Not sure why this has occurred and how to correct it.

It appears that articles which where allocated with the code "All items" are no longer.

Thanks Alastair Nightingale


New Post
18/06/2014 12:42

Hello Alastair,

This sounds like you may have edited or even removed the allocation code that the coding assignment was referencing.

Your 'Study group' in your coding assignment is looking at the 'all items' code in your 'Allocation groups' codeset. If you 'list items with this code' for the 'all items' code it doesn't show any items. Is it possible you have recreated this code or perhaps removed the items from this code?

The actual coding you have done is still there (you can see that in the 'Review statistics' tab). To return the coding assignment to how it was before you just need to apply the 'all items' code to the items that you want to be in the coding assignment.

Best regards,


New Post
18/06/2014 12:47

Ok I will try that, not sure how I managed to unselect them.

New Post
18/06/2014 12:58

I am not sure what i am doing wrong but I try allocating all the articles to the code "all items" by selecting all the articles then right click the code "all items" and select asign all items to this code. But it appears that it does not do this.

New Post
18/06/2014 13:07

Hello Alastair,

If you look in the review statistics tab you will see that there are 1362 items that have been coded with the 'Allocation groups' codeset but are marked as 'incomplete'. Is it possible that when you first applied that code the 'Allocation groups' codeset was set for multiple data entry?

If you bulk complete those items in the review statistics tab (by clicking on the green check mark next to your name) they will be marked as complete and should then be listable.

Best regards,


New Post
18/06/2014 14:31

Hi Jeff

Yep that fixed it, I must have change that when I wanted to look at my coding statisitcs last night.

Thanks Alastair


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