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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Printing a report with both usersPrinting a report with both users' codes for multi-user codeset
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01/05/2014 10:26


I'm having some problems using the multi-user coding function. We can both enter the data without problem, but I'm struggling to find a way of printing out a report that shows how we both coded each code/codeset for each record. 

Following the user manual it seems I should be able to do this by clicking 'Create new comparison' on the Collaborate tab, then clicking either:

- Run: this brings up a window that shows the agreement of three particular codes only, whereas we've got more like 30 or 40 within the codeset (this is for data extraction so there are a lot of fields to complete)

- View: this brings up the following error: 'DataPortal.Update faild (System.Data.SqlClinet.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired'. 

Is there another way around this? I don't want to mark the codesets as complete manually as this will mean that I only get to view one persons coding. What I really want to do however is the equivalent of clicking the 'Get coding report' but have it print both users answers. 




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01/05/2014 11:43

Hello Fred,

The comparisons in the ''Collaborate' tab are more suited to single hierarchy coding tools (such as a screening tool). With simple tools like that, the system can look at the coding and determine which items have agreements and disgreements and allow you to complete the agreements in a single operation and then examine the disagreements. When you have multiple levels of hierarchy in your coding tool, as you would in a data extraction tool, one would expect that every item will be a disagreement as much of the coding involves interpretation and textual data entry.

For data extraction it makes more sense to run the comparison in the 'Coding record' tab that you can find in the 'Document details' window. In that tab you can select the two coders to compare and click 'Run comparison'. The coding of each person will be displayed in a new window with each person's work in a different colour. The person who will be completeing the coding will be able to examine the two versions of coding, edit their own to create the final version and then 'complete' that coding.

If you really wanted to do this in the 'Collaborate' tab you would need to create and run a comparison for each level of hierarchy in your data extraction tool.

As for the timeout message that you are seeing, if you send us details to and let us know your review and what comparison you were running we can have a look at it to see what might be going on.

Best regards,


New Post
01/05/2014 17:22

 Ah - exactly what I was looking for, thanks for the quick reply!

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Printing a report with both usersPrinting a report with both users' codes for multi-user codeset

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