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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...identify codes only applied to specfic areas of an articleidentify codes only applied to specfic areas of an article
New Post
01/05/2014 00:10

I have a question about identifying codings applied to a specific area in an article.  For example,  I had applied a set of code to the whole article of a bucket articles, but now I  just want to generate a  coding report that helps me  identifying codes that were only applied to the study results section of an article in this bucket.  So far, I have  hightlighted  study results of each article   so that I can seperate them from the rest parts of the aricles but not sure if this will work . Any ideas for next step?
Thank you,

New Post
01/05/2014 11:21

Hello Leah,

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly. Are you talking about line-by-line pdf coding? When you generate a report and you are including the line-by-line pdf coding the report will tell which page the selected coding was on. There isn't a way to break it down to partiular areas of your document.

If you wanted to only display the coding from a particular area of each study (for example, the study results section) then you would need to have a code that was only used in those areas. For example, if you had a code name 'disease' you could also have a code called 'disease - study results'. Then, when you wanted to assign some text to your disease code you would pick 'disease - study results' if it was in the study results area and just 'disease' if it was in any other part of your study. You could then generate reports with either or both of those codes as needed.

Or am I misunderstanding what you are asking?

Best regards,


New Post
02/05/2014 18:54

Hi, Jeff,

Thanks for your response. Yes, I just want to  display the coded text from a particular area of each study.  The challenge is that I have already applied a set of code to the whole articles without setting up a particular code applying to  the result area of an article. After finishing all the coding, I realize that it is important for me  to generate a report that will show  the text only coded in the study result section of each article. What I have been doing  is to highlight all study results sections of my articles and try to find a strategy that will help me identify coded texted within the highlight areas. Any ideas?

Thank you very much,



New Post
08/05/2014 15:50

Hello Leah,

The only way I can think of doing something like this would be have the results section as it's own document (by cutting and pasting the results section into a word file and making it a pdf). This wouldn't be practical if you had a lot of studies but if there were only a few then it might be possible. You could then run a report and only keep the data from the 'results' pdfs. It may not be the best solution but it is the only one I can think of at this time.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...identify codes only applied to specfic areas of an articleidentify codes only applied to specfic areas of an article

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