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New Post
10/02/2014 15:57

 Hi all,

On Friday, several of the reviewers working on our review were getting automatically logged out of EPPI and then were unable to log back in for a while. It seems to be working fine now, but thought it was a good idea to let you know and ask if there would be a reason this was happening? 



New Post
11/02/2014 10:09

Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for letting us know, it is certainly a good idea to make sure we are aware or all problems, occasional ones as well.
We are unaware of any problem on our side, I usually keep an eye on the recently activity logs and I didn't notice a generalised interruption on Friday, but it was a hectic day, so I may have missed it. One useful thing to know would be if the people involved were all using the same internet connection or not. The other useful detail that I'd like to have is what kind of error they were getting: were they unable to reach the logon dialog? Did they get the "login failed" message? Or were they unable to load the review (after logging on "successfully")?

Thanks and please do let us know if it happens again.


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