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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Problem with the duplicate functionProblem with the duplicate function
New Post
09/01/2014 16:39


I am attempting to use the identify duplicate function in EPPI Reviewer, and I have been getting the following Alert message after a few minutes of checking: HTTP Request timed out without detail   


Could you please advise on how to fix this? We have a very large number of studies (79271) so I don't know if it is to do with this?


Many thanks!


New Post
09/01/2014 16:54

Dear Jennifer,

We have never seen that error before, I suspect it may have something to do with your particular computer/network, but can't be sure as I did not get the same error myself.

In fact, I checked how your duplicate checking was going and this triggered the last step in the "get new duplicates" routine (as expected). In the end it delivered the list of duplicate groups without further trouble.
The result is that you should be able to proceed with your work, but also that I will not find out what went wrong and why.

Thanks for letting us know!


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