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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...copying and pasting texts from pdf to code setcopying and pasting texts from pdf to code set
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23/12/2013 13:28

How do I copy text from a pdf file into my code set?

New Post
24/12/2013 11:03

Hello Christine,

I'm not sure if I understand your question.

If you mean how do you cut and paste in EPPI-Reviewer, you need to user the keyboard controls. Ctrl-C for copy, Ctrl-X for cut and Ctrl-V for paste. Using those controls you can select and copy information from a pdf and paste it into the Info box next to the code in your codeset. You need to be sure your code has a codetype of 'selectable' so the info box will appear.

If you mean how do you use the line-by-line pdf coding functions (i.e. assigning codes to selected areas of text) I would recommend watching the video 'Line-by-Line pdf coding in EPPI-Reviewer 4' that you can find on our YouTube channel (

If this isn't what you are asking please let me know.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...copying and pasting texts from pdf to code setcopying and pasting texts from pdf to code set

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