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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...reports - only one value per cellreports - only one value per cell
New Post
17/12/2013 00:13

Hi there

I would like to generate reports of my data extraction. I would like to import the reports into SPSS 22 and, therefore, I need the report in the following format:

Every question should be in a single column and there should be only one answer. (similar to page 65 of the actual manual)

If I set the codes for "type" like this it works fine:

Nevertheless, if I set the codes for "reference standard" like this, it does not work. (It is easier for me to have one question (not selectable) and multiple answers (selectable)

I do not get just one value per cell.

After some attempts, I noticed that "chose a reference standard" seens to be the "column title"



When I remove it, it will disapear...

however, this does not help me since the SPSS can't really handle the blank line I got now..

I wonder why the column title is not copied in every cell

Actually, I would like to set the codes like I did for the reference standard without having the column title in every cell.

Do you maybe have a hin how I can perform data exchance between the Eppi Reviewer and SPSS 22 more easily?


Thank you for any help.

New Post
17/12/2013 11:40

Hello Urs,

I must admit that I am not very familiar with SPSS. There are people at our research unit that use it quite often for dealing with the numeric outcome data that they have collected in EPPI-Reviewer (especially if they are carrying out some type of regression analysis). In that case they create an 'answer' report and select the 'outcome' type codes that hold their numeric outcome data. That type of report  creates a table that can be imported into SPSS. I think that they normally first save it in excel (by saving it as an html file in the report viewer' and then opening the html file in excel) and then edit it in excel so it is just the way SPSS wants it. You can create an 'answer' report with any codetypes (not just outcome codes).

If I understand your problem correctly it is the blank line above your 'data' (in your last image it would be the blank line above the word 'open') that is causing you issues. Is that correct? I don't think there is a way to remove that blank line in EPPI-Reviewer (I believe it exists as a place holder from where the column title would have been displayed).

The only solution I can see at this point is either editing your report in the 'report viewer' or saving the report in excel or word to do the editing. Perhaps in excel it might be possible to create a macro that would remove the blank in one operation?

Best regards,



New Post
17/12/2013 14:37

Hi Jeff

Thank you for your answer. I do not want to use the outcome type becuase I cannot report the outcomes in the step with the "question" type since outcomes use the "answer" type.

I am also using Excel to import the tables into SPSS but the problem the blank lines cuase problems since Excel intrerprets blank lines as blank cells when I copy the data from a word file or if I open it as a html in excel. (and this causes a shift of the whole data set) Hoever, there is a function in Excel to delete every blank cell with 2 clicks and I get clean tables now.

Do you know wheter the numeric value code will be added soon? Could you quickly explain me for waht the "coded text" banner in the column setting of the report modus stands for?

Kind regards,


New Post
17/12/2013 15:48

Hello Urs,

I am glad to hear you have a method to remove the blank rows/cells in excel.

The 'coded text' column is related to the line-by-line pdf coding functions. These functions allow you to select/highlight text in your uploaded full text documents and then assign codes to that text. When you place one of those codes in your report and check the 'coded text' option (in the column properties) that text will be displayed in your report.

At the present time the addition of the 'numeric' codetype is not near the top of our to-do list. The 'selectable (show checkbox)' will allow you to enter a numeric value (along with non-numeric data) so it should be sufficient in most situations. If you think there is a strong reason to make it available we are interested in knowing about it. Sometimes our users have good reasons that we hadn't thought of.

Best regards,





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