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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...only a numeric value in the reportsonly a numeric value in the reports
New Post
16/12/2013 22:40

Hi there I would like to display only a numeric value in my repors.

I had a look at the forum and found this comment (5/16/2012)

"In the codetypes (under properties) you might have seen a codetype called 'Selectable (future Numeric value - N/A)'. This codetype has not yet been implemented but when it is, it will generate numerical statistics on the value entered in the Info box. We have had a number of requests for this recently so have move it up higher on our to-do list. In the meantime, if you need to generate statistics for the entered values, you could generate a report restricting it to the text in the info box for that question. This report will just show the numeric data for that question for each item. The report can then be saved as an excel spreadsheet where you could generate statistics on the entered values."


Since the "numeric value codetype" is still not available I tried your solution.

Even though I just mark "additional text", "number" will show up in the table. I would like to import the table to SPSS and, therefore, It would be great to just have the numeric value in the cell..


Do you have any idea how I have to design the codetypes if I want to report just a numeric value using the "question" report.

Thank you.


Cheers Urs

New Post
17/12/2013 11:02

Hello Urs,

To remove the code name from each line (in this case the word 'number') you need to make the 'Column title' cell blank. This is the the cell in the grid (not the text box labelled 'Column title' above it). You can select the text in that cell and then delete it.

If that cell is blank then the code name will  not be displayed and you will just have the number displayed.

Best regards,




New Post
17/12/2013 14:14

Thanks a lot, it works perfectly.

Kind regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...only a numeric value in the reportsonly a numeric value in the reports

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