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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Completing large numbers of recordsCompleting large numbers of records
New Post
10/10/2013 18:41
I am currently working on a review where we are doing double coding for roughly 10% of the records (as we have 24,000 to screen). 5 reviewers have now coded 12,103 records and double coded about 1,500. I have reconciled the disagreements in the double coded records but we now have thousands of records that are not complete. I was planning on 'completing' the records using the 'Review Statistics tab" and completing all of the uncompleted records. I have been trying all day and the 'incomplete coding' box is just not loading so I can't see anything in the box. Is this a problem with EPPI or just our review? Is there an alternative way to complete a large batch of coding without having to go through each record and manually complete? Thanks, Jennifer
New Post
11/10/2013 13:01

Dear Jennifer,

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for letting us know.
Your plan was absolutely correct, completing the remaining items via the Review Statistics Tab is exactly what we had in mind when we designed the feature. I am sorry you found it wasn't loading for you. This happens occasionally when the box needs to pool lots of data, especially if the numbers have changed significantly in the last few hours. The problem occurs when some automatic mechanism (over which we have little control) wrongly selects the inappropriate way to fetch data, if and when it expects to find something that isn't really there. We have countermeasures for this, that are usually able to fix the problem automatically within less than 12 hours. Also, even when this happen, it is frequently possible to proceed by exerting some restraint: keeping the Review Statistics tab opened for long enough usually allows the contents to reach you, this wouldn't work if you navigate somewhere else in the mean time, though.

In all cases, I see that you have managed to complete the required items and the tab now gets populated quickly, I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Best wishes,


New Post
18/10/2013 12:48
Thank you for your reply. Shortly after I sent my post it did load and I was able to complete the records. I have another question about completing batches of coding. We are proceeding with coding and crosschecking now. Is there another way to complete a batch of records, for example if I wanted to complete all records with a given code? Or is the review statistics tab and completing by coder the only way to complete batches of records? Thanks, Jennifer
New Post
18/10/2013 16:04

Hi Jennifer,

short answer is "No", I'm afraid. The idea being that if you are double-coding, you want to look at all disagreements, "by definition"...
I am guessing that you already know that you can "batch" complete agreements, via the creation of comparisons.

The typical workflow would be:

1) do all double coding, create comparisons, complete agreements in bulk, assess disagreements manually.
2) if you still have items to code/screen but don't want to do them in a double(/multiple) blind exercise, put the code-set in "single-user" mode. All codes added from this point on will be automatically "completed".

However, there may be situations where one wants some items to be evaluated by one person only, while others are still being duble-coded. In this case the workflow becomes:

1) do all the coding, making sure that each reviewer sticks to the appropriate work allocations.
2) deal with all the double coding that was performed. This is done by creating one comparison per each batch of items that have been coded by more than one person (requires some discipline on the work allocation side).
3) once all items from 2) have been completed, you can batch-complete what's left on a per-reviewer basis via the review statistics tab. This is 100% safe at this point.

the drawback of this "variation" is that completing items that are expected to be coded by a single user in batch (via review statistics) may be inadvisable, if and when the same people are involved in single and double coding rounds. You may however instruct the reviewers to complete their coding as they go through their "single user" allocations (in "Document Details" this is done by clicking on the little "no entry" red icon visible at the root of the screening code-set).

Does this help?


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