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New Post
09/10/2013 16:46


I have just started the free trial and I am struggling to work out how to create the flow charts of the review process. I am able to insert the boxes with counts for the child codes but I am not sure how to get the first steps inserted i.e No. of docs imported, duplicates deleted etc.

Is there a way of adding in extra shapes manually, as an addition to the processes you have carried out in the review?



New Post
15/10/2013 11:48

Dear Jess,

sorry for the late reply and thanks for your interest in EPPI-Reviewer.

Yes, you can create as many nodes as you wish: simply click and drag on any empty part of the diagram, this will create a blue rectangular shape. You can change the shape type by selecting a different shape from the drop-down menu on the toolbar. You enter text within the shape via a double click on the shape itself, and may change the colours of the shape filling and text. This means you will need to enter the first numbers manually.

I hope this helps, please do let us know if we can help you further.
Best wishes,

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Creating flow chartsCreating flow charts

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