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04/09/2013 13:05


I'm setting up a data extraction tool and I've not been able to find adequate information on how to do this in the Manual, such as what the different code types are used for.

For instance, what is the benefit of the 'outcome classification' code type? Or the intervention and comparison code types?

Is there an explanation somewhere that I've just missed?

Thanks in advance,


New Post
04/09/2013 15:42

Hello Celie,

There is information on the 'outcome', 'intervention' and 'comparion' codetypes in the user manual under 'Meta-analysis' -> 'Stage 1: Setting up the coding tool' (pg 69 in the manual). These codetypes allow you to catgorise the outcome data that you are collecting from your studies. If you specify that a given code is one of these types, it is still selectable in the standard coding screen, but it also then appears in the screen where statistical outcome data are entered, and in the meta-analysis screens. This makes it possible to enter and select an outcome based on predefined interventions and comparisons.

You can use the outcome classification codetype to create as many additional categorisations are needed. These are useful in situations in which you have multiple outcomes with the same outcome, intervention and comparison definitions. An example of their use might be sub-group analyses in which results are presented separately for males and females, or to be able to distinguish different types of measurement tool for assessing the same outcome. Outcome classification codes appear as a list of selectable checkboxes on the right hand side of the screen where statistical data are entered.

Best regards,


New Post
05/09/2013 10:02

That's great. Thank you.

A linked question is:

When setting up my coding tool, some of my codes should not be selectable but I should have the option of adding information. This might be a code such as: 

Where was the study published? 

I would like to be able to just write in an info box like those available for the selectable codes, but such info boxes seem not to appear for unselectable codes. What options do I have? (Other than making selectable codes for every country - city - in the world)



New Post
05/09/2013 11:37

Hello Celie,

To set up the coding tool for this scenario we would still follow the question and possible answer format.

I would have the 'Where was the study published' as the question. This would not be selectable. This question code would then have a child code (answer) that said 'Please enter country'. This code would be selectable and have the Info box available.

In our reviews we normally try to have a list of countries that the reviewer can select from rather than have them type in a response. When you ask a reviewer to type in a country they might not always enter it the same way. Great Britain might end up as United Kingdom and when you try to collect data based on the country you will never be sure if you have them all. If the user can select from a number of possible countries you can then run frequency and cross-tab reports on those countries.

Best regards,


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