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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Outcome classification code in the coding recordOutcome classification code in the coding record
New Post
27/08/2013 14:00

Hi there, I have a question concerning the outcome classification code.

I extracted outcome data by using the outcome code type. I also used classification code in the same code set.

Now, I would like to save the whole data extraction in a word file: I click on the study, then on the coding record button and chose the data extraction code set.

The data extraction sheet will show up, but, unfortunately, the outcome classification codes will not be screened.

Is there any possibility to save the classification codes I chose for a study together with the outcome data in one file?

Thanks for any help.


Cheers from Switzerland, Urs

New Post
27/08/2013 16:29

Hello Urs,

I just had a look at the report that is produced using the 'Coding reports' icon and also the report produced when clicking 'View' in the 'Coding records' tab (they are, more or less, the same report). In this type of report the outcomes are summarised in tables at the bottom of the report but the classification code is not listed in those summaries. The selected outcome classification code should probably be listed in that summary and is something we may have overlooked.

You may have also noticed that the selected outcome classification codes are not displayed as part of the report above the outcome summaries. This is because the outcome classifications are tied to an outcome rather than the item.

At this point, the only way to have the selected outcome classification code's data listed with the outcome is using the configurable reports that you can create in the 'Reports' tab. Unfortunately, to display the outcome data you need to run an 'answer' report and to show the data extraction you need to run a 'question' report. This will require you running at least two separate reports.

To address this issue properly we will need to make a change to the 'Coding reports' report so the selected classification code is included in the outcome summary. It has been added to our to-do list.

Best regards,




New Post
10/09/2013 13:13

Hello Urs,

Further to your question about having the classification codes displayed in the 'coding reports', our software update today (Tuesday September 10) has addressed this issue.

In the outcomes summary that you can find at the bottom of the 'coding report' report and when you 'View' a persons coding (in the coding records tab) there is now a column to display the selected Outcome classifications.

Best regards,


New Post
16/12/2013 23:07

Dear Jeff

Thank you very much, that is great!

Kind regards

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Outcome classification code in the coding recordOutcome classification code in the coding record

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