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22/08/2013 11:21

We have just completed a test of our full paper screening on ten papers. Five people were involved (though only two will actually be screening each paper when we start properly), and we had 14 questions with up to three tick box options each. We were able to compare the answers for up to three reviewers for each paper individually, where a seperate colour-coded file opened. However, when we tried to make a live comparison of the answers, the reviewers involved were listed across the top of the screen, but otherwise the screen was blank.

Thank you.

New Post
23/08/2013 10:15

 Hello Jane,

When you are using the 'Live comparison' function (in the 'Document details' window) it will be comparing one level of hierarchy. If you are seeing the reviewer's names but not any responses I suspect you haven't selected the correct level of hierarchy in the codeset (over on the left side of the screen). Try clicking the parent code of the responses and you should then see the responses listed.

Please try that and let us know how you get on.

Best regards,



New Post
23/08/2013 10:41

Hi Jeff

Thanks for your speedy reply.

I have done as you suggest. If I select one child node at a time, I can see the answer for each person for that node, but if I select the top node (probably the wrong terminology!) for the coding set, it is still blank.

Thanks again


P.S. Mark Corbett has just asked met to tell you that the notification function doesn't work, and I can confirm that.

New Post
23/08/2013 11:09

Hello Jane,

Your screening tool 'Initial full paper screening' (assuming I am looking at the correct review) is set up with multiple levels of hierarchy. This means that you will need to compare each question individually to compare the responses as the 'Live comparison' looks at one level of hierarchy .

If you go to an item that you have all coded (such as 'Deshmukh-Taskar (2006)'), turn on 'Live comparisons' and then select a code at the question level (such as 'Qu 5. Is the study prospective?') you will then see all the reviewers names and all of their responses (I just tried it and it worked).

Selecting the top node (which would be at the codeset name level ('Initial full paper screening') will not show any responses as the child codes one level down are at the question level and are not codes that are selectable by the reviewers. Do you see what I mean?

Unfortunately, you can only compare 3 reviewers using all levels of the codeset (using the 'Run comparison' function in the 'Coding records' tab).

Best regards,


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