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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Manualy imported references. Manualy imported references.
New Post
09/08/2013 13:36

Dear Eppi,

We have trouble with our manualy imported files. It is not posible for me to 'assign the selected items' to a group(person). I can easly do it with the other files - but it doesn't work with the nordic litteratur I just imported the last couple of days.

Hoping for a quic repons.

From Maria

New Post
09/08/2013 14:45

(this asnwer was originally sent in reply to an email)

Your problem is that the “Allocation Group” code set is set to work in the “multiple user” mode. This means that if an item doesn’t have any (already completed) code in that set, adding it will not mark the coding as “complete”. It will be visible to the person that added the code, but not to other users, nor to most of the internal functions.
To solve this, you need to do two things (details below):
1)    “Complete” or remove the “Allocation Group” codes you have already added to these items.
2)    Change the “allocation group” code-set to “single user” mode. This will make sure that all codes added in this set will immediately be available to all EPPI-Reviewer users and functions (e.g. they don’t need to pass through a comparison/reconciliation round).

About 1): (read it all before deciding what to do!) you can complete all these codes in one go through the “review statistics” tab. In the lower box, “Incomplete coding”, expand the “allocation group” line so to see your name. If you click on the green “V” icon in the row with your name, you’ll get the dialog that allows to complete all items in one go. I’ve checked and they all belong to the “Uploadet Nordisk” group. The problem is that you may have tried different things, and that you may not really know what codes you have added to what items, and whether that was just a random attempt or if the addition was significant.  To check for this, you should click on the “36” in the same line mentioned above, so to get the list of all the items concerned. At this point you may complete the 36 via the “green V”. Immediately after, select all of them and (in the “Documents” tab, main “toolbar”) click the “Get coding report” icon (the fourth icon from the right). Select “Allocation group” and click get Report. Save the report to be sure this information won’t be lost, and then look at the items and decide whether the codes they have are right or if the coding needs to be modified… (You need to run the report after completing the coding because otherwise the codes won’t appear in the report)

When all this is done, you can change the settings of the code-set: right click the “Allocation Group” code-set and choose “properties”: click “change to single user data entry” and “Ok” as needed.

Next: the other code-sets are all in “multiple user” mode, this doesn’t seem right!

A few guidelines:
The two code-set modes “single” or “multiple” user data entry, have a slightly misleading name (we couldn’t think of better ones). The difference is: multiple user sets are designed for “double” or “multiple” blind coding exercises, so that two or more people may code the same items and then evaluate the differences. This is the one and only case when a code-set should be in “multiple user” mode. All other cases should use “single user” codes (so to avoid the present kind of problem). The “single user” label doesn’t mean that only one person can use the set, but that the system only allows one “coding” version per item: e.g. all coding will be visible to all users. If person A changes something, all review users will see the changes, and will normally be able to reverse them if they wish.

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