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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reports- pulling reports with full document namesReports- pulling reports with full document names
New Post
12/06/2013 19:00


I am trying to pull reports that show the full document name--rather than just the document ID or short title.  Is this possible?

Many thanks,


New Post
13/06/2013 11:52

Hello Jessica,

Unfortunately there isn't a way to have the full title rather than the short title in the configurable reports (In the reports tab). In the 'Coding reports' (that you access in the 'Documents' tab by clicking on the 'Coding reports..'  icon) you will get the title in the format of 'Author (Year) Title' although this may not be what you are looking for.

To have just the title in the configurable reports you would need to have a code in your coding tool where you would enter the title in the 'Info' box. You could then include that code in your report.

[Edit] Further to this response, having the option to display the 'full title' rather than the 'short title' is something that other users have requested so we have now added it to our 'to-do' list.

Best regards,


New Post
27/06/2013 19:57

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for this response and suggestion as to the work around for this query. Just want to add my name to this specific request with a slight modification!

For our review, we wanted to have the option to have both the short title and the Full title with theauthor and year displayed in one column followed by the "full title" in a separate column.

Any idea as to if this will be included in the next update?






New Post
05/06/2014 17:16

Hi Jeff,

I've just stumbled on this thread after having the same issue.  Have you had the chance to offer the option of having the full title in the configurable reports yet?  I am trying to merge the titles in Excel using the ID as the common denominator, but due to the format of the coding report this is proving to be too much of a challenge!






New Post
05/06/2014 17:26

Hello Lisa,

We have had a number of requests for this and we hope to have that available in our next publish. Unfortunately that might not be for a few weeks. In the meantime you would need to have a code that contained that information and then place it in the report. I appreciate that may be a lot of work if you are dealing with a lot of items.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Reports- pulling reports with full document namesReports- pulling reports with full document names

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