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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...How do I do double coding without being able to see the codes the other reviewer has applied?How do I do double coding without being able to see the codes the other reviewer has applied?
New Post
20/05/2013 15:42

Is it possible to allocate 5 % of each allocated group of references for doublecoding? My job is to check if the other reviewers are coding correctly, but we have over 10.000 references, so I'm only going to doublecode a small part of them. Is it possible to allocate these references in way that makes it possible to do a comparison?
I've tried allocating a whole group of allocated documents to my self and set the codeset for multi-user entry, but I can still see which codes the other reviewer has applied to the reference, and that makes blind-coding impossible :-) I'm not sure I'm doing it right...
What I would really like to do is double code for instance 50 of the references that each of the other reviewers have already coded, to make sure that quality of our work is alright.
Best regards,

New Post
21/05/2013 11:06

Hello Julie,

Double coding a sub-set of the items is quite possible (we do it all of the time) but there are a few things you need to be aware of.

If the items that you wish to double code have already been coded with a 'single user data entry' codeset then those items will already be marked as 'completed'. In this case you will be able to see the other reviewers work. Even if you were to switch the coding tool to 'multiple data entry' it will not change the 'complete' status of the items already completed; you would need to manually change those items to 'not complete' to make them invisible to you.

The best way to do this is to pick items that have not yet been coded (and completed) by anyone and double code them when the coding tool is set for 'multiple data entry'.  This would allow you to have double blind coding. The only thing to be aware of in this situation is that when the coding tool is set for 'multiple data entry' it will affect anyone coding items using that tool. The items will remain 'not complete' when codes are applied even if it is by reviewers that you don't want to be double coding. Those coders will need to  manually complete their coding as long as the codeset is set for 'multiple data entry'.

Best regards,

Jeff Brunton

New Post
21/05/2013 13:44

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for your quick response.

Do I have to make new allocated groups to start doublecoding or is it enough to set the codeset to "multiple data entry"? I'm not quite sure how it's done.

Best regards,


New Post
21/05/2013 14:32

Hello Julie,

I would probably make new allocation codes and work assignments specifically for the items you wish to double code. By having new allocation codes you will be able to isolate the items more easily and create a comparison that only looks at those particular items. By having new work assignments that only contain the items that will be double coded both coders can easily check their progress and not venture into the items that you don't wish to double code.

Best regards,

Jeff Brunton 


New Post
21/05/2013 20:58

Thank you again, Jeff.

That's what I will do first thing tomorrow.

Best regards,


New Post
23/05/2013 11:25

Hello Jeff,

It seems that I'm writing you every other day now :-) I've isolated the items that hadn't been coded yet and made new allocations codes set for multi-user entry. Everything looks right, but when I chose a document and click "go" (document details window opens) - I can still see how the other reviewer has coded the item. Did I miss something in setting up for double coding?

Best regards,


Well I think I've figured out where I went wrong - I've set the allocation codeset for multi-user, but not the Screening on title & abstract codes - Can I just change it now, and double code the items I choose and then change it back to single user afterwards?

New Post
23/05/2013 11:49

Hello Julie,

You should be able to just change your screening tool to 'multiple data entry'. If you have already coded a few items when it was set for 'single data entry' (and your actually want to double screen those items) then you will need to change those items coding status to 'incomplete' (with respect to your screening tool).

If you have changed the allocation codeset to 'multiple data entry' then you are going to want to change it back to 'single data entry'.  You only need to have the coding tool that you are double coding with to be set for 'mulitiple data entry'.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...How do I do double coding without being able to see the codes the other reviewer has applied?How do I do double coding without being able to see the codes the other reviewer has applied?

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