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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Why doesnWhy doesn't the list of remaining allocated references to code update?
New Post
15/05/2013 16:25


I've allocated references to my colleagues on our shareable review for them to code. I've read the manual several times and I'm pretty sure I've done it right.

But eventhough we've been coding since yesterday the individual lists don't update. (the list of how many refernces each person has to code, how may they've started and how many remains). This means that neither of us can see how far along they're in the process.

What went wrong? Did I forget to tick a box or didn't I allocate the references in the right way or...?

Best regards,


New Post
15/05/2013 17:18

Hello Julie,

I just had a look at your review. The problem is that you have placed all of allocation codes inside of your screening codsets ('Q1 Screening on Title and Abstract' and 'Q1 Screening on Title and Abstract'). When you assigned the allocation codes to your items you were actually 'completing' all of those items with respect to your screening codeset. As you were the one to 'complete' those items (when you assigned the allocation codes), any coding that the other reviewers are doing is just adding to your coding and not showing as their coding. This is why the number of 'Remaining' items is not reducing.

What you need is to have your allocation codes in an 'Allocation codeset'. Then, when you add an allocation code to an item it is completing the item with respect to the allocation codeset (and not the screening codeset).

The good news is that all of the work that your reviewers are doing is still there; it's just that it is tied to your login rather than theirs. The best way forward at this point is to identify the items that your reviewers have not coded yet. You could then create an 'Allocation codeset' and work assignments based on those items. If you then delete the existing allocation codes in the screening tool those uncoded items would become 'not complete' again and you would see the 'Remaining' come down as the item was screened.

The only thing left to do then would be to sort out the already screened items. That could be done by running a number of searches based on the allocation codes and the screening codes.

I can appreciate if this sounds like a complicated solution. If you wish I could do this for you but would need you and reviewers to stay out of the review while it was taking place. Please let me know how you would like to proceed.

Best regards,








New Post
15/05/2013 21:33

Hello Jeff,

I was afraid that I'd done something wrong - but I'm very relieved that work we've already done isn't lost.

I would be so happy if you can help me sort out my problem! It's REALLY kind of you!

My only concern is that we are working on two different reviews simultaneously. All documents (from 1990-2013) is screen to be included/excluded in regards to review question 1. Documents from 2011-2013 are also screened in regards to review question 2, but by different reviewers - we've set it up as two individual single codings eventhough some of the documents are represented twice - does this make sense to you? It's really important that we can continue the simultaneous coding.

Do you have an idea about how long it takes to run the searches on allocation codes and screening codes? And when will it be possible for you to help me do it? I have to tell my colleagues when to "stay out of" the review :-)

Best regards and thanks a million,


New Post
16/05/2013 10:53

Hello Julie,

I'm going to email you directly about this as I will probably need to ask you questions specific to your review. I will use the email that you used to set up your EPPI-Reviewer account. If you prefer me to use a different email please let me know.

Best regards,


New Post
16/05/2013 10:53

Julie Tegner Jensen wrote

My only concern is that we are working on two different reviews simultaneously. All documents (from 1990-2013) is screen to be included/excluded in regards to review question 1. Documents from 2011-2013 are also screened in regards to review question 2, but by different reviewers - we've set it up as two individual single codings eventhough some of the documents are represented twice - does this make sense to you? It's really important that we can continue the simultaneous coding.

I forgot to mention that references where year of publication doesn't show, are including in screening for both review question 1 and 2.

I really appreciate all your help :-)

Best regards,


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