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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...New duplicates deleting data!New duplicates deleting data!
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15/05/2013 06:29

I have a database with a number of references I had already checked for duplicates and screened and marked to the abstraction stage. After discussion with research collaborators, a decision was made to run another related search and include more references. Around 180 new references were put into the original EPPI database. I then screened for duplicates, with the majority of new duplicates being already linked to a reference in the original database. After finding the duplicates (perhaps stupidly), I marked these new references as duplicates accordingly and started abstract and title screening on the new references. I then realised that for the references that were in EPPI already (and thus had been screened to abstraction stage), if a duplicate had been found for them in the new round, all the marked/screening data for these was gone (including the uploaded PDFs). Effectively, the old references that had new duplicates checked against them were now at title and abstract stage of screening.

I did not realise that marking a new set of duplicates in an already existing database would delete data, especially because I didn’t change the master. Is this information recoverable, and is there a way to prevent this from occuring?



New Post
15/05/2013 11:19

Hello Olivia,

I'm not sure if I am understanding the process you have described. When you brought in your 180 new items did you run the 'Get new duplicates' function? Perhaps what you have done is mark the newly imported item as the 'Master' and marked an already coded item as 'A duplicate'. If that is what has taken place then you just need to switch them around.

There is nothing in the duplicate checking functions that will delete coding data so all of your previous work is still there; we just need to understand what has taken place to find out where it is.

Best regards,



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