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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Data ExtractionData Extraction
New Post
17/08/2011 21:22


Is there a way to do data extraction in EPPI? 

New Post
18/08/2011 11:36

Hello Monali,

EPPI-Reviewer was originally designed to assist us in capturing detailed information about the studies in our in-house reviews and presenting that collected information in many different ways. In subsequent versions of the program we have kept this focus on data extraction as it is a major part of any systematic review.

One of the important elements of data extraction is the design and creation of your data extraction tool. When setting up your tool you must be sure that you are asking the correct questions that will help you collect the information from the studies that you require. When setting up these questions and answers in EPPI-Reviewer you can specify whether these codetypes are selectable and allow textual responses or are codetypes for collecting numeric outcome data. You will find this in the user manual under ‘Setting up the screening / coding tools’. You can also find descriptions of some of the data extraction tools we use on our own systematic reviews on the EPPI-Centre website (

If the data you are collecting is numeric please see the section called 'Meta-analysis' in the user manual.

EPPI-Reviewer can handle either single or double data extraction (similar to single or double screening) as it is all treated as a form of coding.

If you are carrying out double data extraction (two people data extracting the same study) a simple agreement or disagreement comparison as used in screening is usually not sufficient as data extraction tools are normally much more involved than screening tools. I have attached a document that I hope to incorporate into the user manual in the near future. It describes ‘Independent multi-user data extraction’ and how you would do this in EPPI-Reviewer. As well, I hope to create an instructional video in the next few weeks on data extraction in EPPI-Reviewer.

Once you have collected the detailed informaiton from your studies EPPI-Reviewer has a number of searching and reporting functions to help query and present that information. You will find details on this in the user manual under 'Analysis of your data'.

Best regards,


New Post
30/08/2011 18:33

 Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the document. My question is in the Data extraction code set when we set Study identification as a child code. We are using Author, year to identify the study. How to set up the coding tool so that the reviewer can enter the author and the year? 


New Post
31/08/2011 10:52

Hello Monali,

When you are creating the child code you should set the code type as 'Selectable (show checkbox)'. This means that in the Document details window (where you carry out your coding) you will see a button labelled 'Info' next to the code. If you click on that button a window will open where you can enter textual information such as author or year.

Best regards,


New Post
31/08/2011 20:08

 Thank you, Jeff

New Post
02/09/2011 23:47

Hi Jeff,

A few papers that we are going to extract the data from are:

1) Acosta-Rojas, E.R., et al., Association Between Visual Impairment and Patient-Reported Visual Disability at Different Stages of Cataract Surgery. Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 2006. 13(5): p. 299-307.

2) Alió, J.L., D.P. Piñero, and A.B. Plaza-Puche, Visual outcomes and optical performance with a monofocal intraocular lens and a new-generation single-optic accommodating intraocular lens. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery. 36(10): p. 1656-1664.

3) Arshinoff, S.A., Y.N.J. Strube, and R. Yagev, Simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 2003. 29(7): p. 1281-1291.

one papers compare 2 lens and other one is purely on Simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery.

My questions is: for patient baseline (before surgery) characteristics which are different from after surgery characteristics (outcomes). In data extraction there is only outcome, intervention, and outcome classification. How to input baseline (before surgery) characteristics fo 2 treatements of cataract surgery. (intervention)?



New Post
05/09/2011 12:32

Hello Monali,

This question is replied to in the thread with the similar name.

Best regards,


New Post
02/05/2012 18:52

 Hi Jeff,

Could I please get a copy of the attachment you mention in this post about data extraction, and can you please tell me if there is an instructional video available on data extraction yet?


Vivian Welch, Canada

New Post
03/05/2012 11:27

Hello Vivian,

Data extraction is treated as just another form of coding in EPPI-Reviewer. You need to create a data extraction tool (codeset) that will consist of a number of questions and answers that will allow you to extract the details from your study,

If you are carrying out double data extraction (two people data extracting the same study) a simple agreement or disagreement comparison as used in screening is usually not sufficient as data extraction tools are normally much more involved than screening tools. I have emailed you the document that describes ‘Independent multi-user data extraction’ and how you would do this in EPPI-Reviewer.

I’m afraid that I haven’t made the data extraction video yet or added that document to the user manual. I will try to give those tasks a higher priority so it will get done

Best regards,



New Post
02/02/2013 14:23

Hi Jeff,

I wondered if you could also email me the document that describes ‘Independent multi-user data extraction’ and how I can do this in EPPI-Reviewer. We are hoping to use this approach in our systematic review.




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