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New Post
22/01/2013 19:27

When I attempt to select text from a citation or a PDF, the selection does not begin where my mouse cursor is sitting. The selection often happens several lines below or above, depending on the direction I am heading in. I tried to search the forum to see if anyone else had encountered this issue and how to fix it. It is only occuring in my account.

New Post
23/01/2013 09:23

Hi Anne,

this normally happens when your browser zoom option is different than 100%: when this happens, the mouse drag and drop goes out of synch and can become confusing. Different browsers will have different ways to change the Zoom (it's usually a per-page or per-tab setting). If in doubt, you can have a look at this page that appears to cover most different browsers; note also that most browsers will have a shortcut to "reset" the zoom and bring it back to 100% (CTRL+0 in Internet Explorer, for example).

I hope this helps,

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