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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Answers automatically move: level 1 screeningAnswers automatically move: level 1 screening
New Post
17/01/2013 04:21

I am having some problems with EPPI as I am doing level 1 screening. Recently, I went over some articles which I screened previously and I found out that the answer for third question has moved and is under answer for second question for some articles. And now for some random articles, I have two boxes marked for second question, and none for third question. I moved the answer for third question back to its original position for few articles but when I logged in the next day, the answer for third question had moved back to being under second question for those few articles.

I am not sure as to how to fix this.

Thanks for your help!

New Post
17/01/2013 10:02

Hello Shruti,

I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking. Are you saying that one of the codes for the third question in your coding tool has moved over to the second question in your coding tool. This sounds like someone has inadvertently moved the code. You can slide the codes to different areas of the coding tool. Perhaps someone moved it accidently and didn't realize it. This could happen if someone was coding an item and slid their mouse away from the code before unclicking the mouse. What I would suggest is locking the coding tool so this cannot occur. You can lock the coding tool by pulling up the properties of the codeset and unchecking 'Editing codeset allowed'.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Answers automatically move: level 1 screeningAnswers automatically move: level 1 screening

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