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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...I donI don't seem to be able to add my fellow reviewers to my shareable review
New Post
10/01/2013 05:20

 Hi Jeff, 

Am I missing something? I'm trying to add colleagues to the new smallholder farming review and I don't seem to be able to?



New Post
10/01/2013 09:51

Hello Ruth,

I just checked your review and it is shareable so that wouldn't be the problem. The person you are inviting into the review needs to have already set up their EPPI-Reviewer account. Have they done that? And if they have are you sure you are using the same email address to invite them in as they used to create their account.

As for how to invite them in, this is done in the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 account and review manager' that can be found on the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 gateway' ( Once you are logged into the Manager and are on the Summary page you should click 'Edit' for your review. You will then see a link labelled 'Send invitation'. If you click on that link you can then enter the email address of the person you are trying to invite into the review. You can also find an instructional video called 'Inviting a user into your review' on our YouTube channel ( that will take you through these steps.

If you have tried all of this are you getting any sort of message when you send the invitation?

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...I donI don't seem to be able to add my fellow reviewers to my shareable review

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