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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Shaded Master Refrences IssueShaded Master Refrences Issue
New Post
09/11/2012 11:35


after re-runing 'Get new duplicates' function multiple times (as I was adding new sources and already have coded part of the references), i've realised that some of my master references are shaded. I can see those in Sources list only and they are marked as master in the duplicate groups. However, i dont see them in the list of included documents. Do you have some advice? I think I have a rather big number of references with the same problem..Thank you!

New Post
09/11/2012 12:16

Hi Biljana,

sorry to hear that you are experiencing this problem. I gave a look at what happens behind the scenes and found that apparently 38 items show the same problem. The list of item IDs is:

"7737190, 7737298, 7737456, 7737707, 7737780, 7737816, 7737822, 7737833, 7737973, 7738042, 7738071, 7738135, 7738149, 7738188, 7738360, 7738410, 7738416, 7738598, 7738926, 7738939, 7738980, 7739051, 7739134, 7739234, 7739235, 7739315, 7739367, 7739466, 7739602, 7739640, 7739793, 7739878, 7739922, 7740023, 7740043, 7740054, 7740440, 7740588" (they all belong to the WOK 7/30/2012 series of sources)

Can you confirm that the items you found belong to the list? (this way I'll know I am looking at the right problem).

As this is quite certainly a bug (and a very rare one), I will need to investigate in detail and find a way to make sure that it won't happen again. I will, of course, fix your own situation, but would like to investigate the issue first, if that's all right with you.

Could you please try to describe (with as much detail as possible) what you did while duplicate checking? I'm interested to know if you used the "reset" functions, if you manually added items to groups, if you manually created groups and if/when you have used the "mark automatically" routine(s).
I hope this information will be enough for me to find the cause all this. I'm very sorry for the trouble.

Many thanks for letting us know,


New Post
09/11/2012 12:49

Hi Sergio,

I checked first few IDs from your list and yes - these are shaded masters that i was talking about...Please feel free to investigate this first, i can wait if that is needed.

I haven't used the "reset" function, but i added lots of duplicated manually. I ran "mark automatically" function but because this command was not catching some of the duplicates (small changes in references  -a full name of authors in stead of an initial proved difficult to register) and it was marking newer references as a master, while putting older and coded ones as duplicates. In order to solve all these issues, I created new groups, cleaned the overlapping groups and deleted redundant ones...I used "Add group", "add selected items" and "delete group" functions. If you need more information, do let me know!



New Post
09/11/2012 15:55

Hi again,

I've given a first look and couldn't find anything that seems to cause the problem. Yet, it happened, so the cause must be there, somewhere. I will look into this systematically early next week, thanks for your uderstanding! Please do let me know if you wish me to fix your shaded problem (the effect, not yet the cause), I can do this pretty quickly and I will probably not lose too much useful information. In the mean time, if you can have a look at the involved groups (in duplicate checking, advanced tab, click "find", paste the list of IDs I've provided, and click GO), you may remember what history/procedure they may have in common. For example, if all of them have been manually created, this would be a useful hint for me. In all cases, please don't act on these groups, otherwise you'll risk to confuse me even more.

Will report back, as soon as possible, hopefully with news about the fix.

Best wishes,



New Post
09/11/2012 16:18

Hi Sergio,

I just checked duplicates and yes - these groups were manually created -actually they are "automatic" groups with the manually added references.

And regarding fixing the "shading" only, perhaps it is better to wait until you find a root of the problem because i still need to add more references and the problem might appear again...





New Post
12/11/2012 17:01

Hi Biljana,

I think I've found what caused your issue: identified and fixed it so that it won't happen again.

The details: the problem showed up when adding items from one group into another. This is done through the "Manual / Advanced" tab, click on "Add Group" button. This allows to type in the ID of a group so to add the members from it on the currently selected group. The bug shows up if the "source" group (the group that corresponds to the indicated ID) contains the master item of the currently selected group. Under these circumstances, the current master was incorrectly marked as a duplicate (of itself) and removed from the active list of items in the review. This didn't show up within the duplicate-checking interface because it was not supposed to happen!

Can you confirm that the situation explained above is what probably happened within your own review? If so, I will fix your items and let you go on with your work. If not, it means that I've fixed a previously unknown bug, and that I still need to find the one that troubles you...

Thanks again,


New Post
12/11/2012 17:12

Hi Sergio,


yes, i think that is exactly what happened. I was definetely using "add group" and perhaps source group did have master item of the selected group...

So i can start working tomorrow again?

Thank you very much!!

Best wishes


New Post
13/11/2012 10:19

Dear Biljana,

Sorry for the delay! I have re-instated the affected items, so all should be good for you now, and yes, of course you can resume your work as normal.

I have also updated your account expiration date, just four days as a symbolic thank you for your patience.
Thank you once more for spotting this and allowing me to fully investigate it. I wish to sincerely apologise for the inconvenience.
Please feel free to get back in touch if you'll need any further assistance, we're here to help.

Best wishes,


New Post
13/11/2012 15:59

Dear Sergio,

Many thanks for the rapid solution of the problem (and also for the extension of the expiration date)! I will start to work now and if i notice something, i will let you know..

Best wishes,


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