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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...completed/agreed confusion on codingcompleted/agreed confusion on coding
New Post
24/09/2012 22:59

 Hi Jeff,

This is embarrassing because I feel that we asked a similar question a month or so ago, but we are back again.

We have two teams of two coders screening on full text, and we were ready to compare and resolve differences. I'll tell you what happened with one team, but it is the same with the other team, as well. Jessica and I had 121 docs to review. We did our completion of agreements, and then sat together and reconciled our disagreements. The comparison we ran afterwards showed that Jessica had coded 121 and I had coded 72 - when we looked at the report, we saw two things we didn't understand:

(1) there were numerous documents where the "Agreed Version" box was blank where Jessica and I had agreed on the coding (and the manual shows that this box should be filled in)

(2) When the "Agreed Version" box was filled in, my box was empty (and I had been the person who we had designated to hold all the agreed versions). We didn't understand how you can get an agreement when one person' s coding was blank.

We are scratching our heads at this point - I feel like we should be able to do this, but we can't make it work for us.  What can we do to reconcile our numbers so that we have (1) coded the same number of documents and (2) complete the multiple coding so that we can move on?

New Post
25/09/2012 12:49

Hello Lesley,

I had a look at your review and I believe the numbers you are seeing are correct; it's just how to interpret the numbers that may be confusing.

I created a new comparison (the one dated 25/09/2012) so I was sure I was looking at the most recent data. If you 'View' stats using this comparison it will show 121 items for Jessica and 72 items for Lesly. In the Coding assignment table it shows 121 items started for both of you. The reason for this discrepancy is that the comparison was generated after some items in the original work assignment were 'completed'.  If you 'Run' a quick report using that new comparison you will see 121 codes under Jessica's name and 72 under Lesly's name and 49 in the Agreed column. The 49 in the agreed column would have originally been in the Lesly column but once they were 'completed' they moved to the 'Agreed' column. The 49 items in the 'Agreed' column are items that have been marked as 'complete' under the assumption that the selected code is what the two coders have agreed is the correct response. You now only need to look at the 72 items in the Lesly column.

The 72 items in the Lesly column are in most cases agreements. In the 'View' stats window you can see that 59 out of 72 items are in agreement and 13 out of 72 are disagreements. Items that are in agreement still need to be marked as 'complete' before they are moved to the agreed column. You can do this in the 'View' stats window by clicking on the 'Complete' button (to the right of the 59/72 button). Once you click on that button those 59 items will be marked as 'complete'. At that point you just have the 13/72 items to look at. Those 13 are disagreements and will need to be reconciled and marked as 'complete' individually (similar to what you did with those initial 49 items).

Although I haven't looked at the other group of coders I would suspect we are dealing with a similar situation.

Your confusion over this has drawn to our attention some things that we may need to address. In the 'View' stats window we probably need to be more specific about what 'Number of documents coded by' means. Perhaps we need to specify 'number of coded by' and 'number marked as complete' separately for each person. As well,  in the 'Run' quick report, perhaps the 'Agreed version' column should explain that these are the items marked as 'complete (and not necessarily items that were in agreement originally)'.

Best regards,



New Post
25/09/2012 18:07

Hi Jeff,

We wanted to extend a sincere thanks and let you know how appreciative we are of your help in this process. The EPPI Support Centre forum has been extremely supportive and responsive!

On behalf our team,


New Post
26/09/2012 21:22

 Hi Jeff,

I have read through your instructions and understand that we have what appears to be 13 disagreements remaining to reconcile. I can see those documents. In order to 'complete' the coding for the 59/72 - you wrote that we can simply click the "Complete" button beside it.

"...In the 'View' stats window you can see that 59 out of 72 items are in agreement and 13 out of 72 are disagreements. Items that are in agreement still need to be marked as 'complete' before they are moved to the agreed column. You can do this in the 'View' stats window by clicking on the 'Complete' button (to the right of the 59/72 button). Once you click on that button those 59 items will be marked as 'complete'..."

I am having some trouble with this because when I go to 'View' and click the "Complete" button to the right of (59/72) - it says "Complete. 0 Records Affected".

Please advise. Thank you!

Jessica Chan

New Post
27/09/2012 10:47

[ This reply no longer applies as we identified the problem and have made a correction to the software. Please see the next reply for details. ]

Hello Jessica,

I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. I can see that you have created a new comparison (dated 26/09/2012) and if I 'View' stats for that comparison I can see that 58/72 are agreements and 13/72 are disagreements. Are you saying that you clicked on the 'Complete' button (next to the '59/72 (list' button) and nothing happened (i.e. none of the agreements were completed)? When you click on the 'Complete' button you can then select whose coding you want to be completed and then complete that coding by clicking Go. Are you doing this in the most recent comparison that you have created?

I  just ran a test of this on a different review to be sure there wasn't some issue that we were not aware of. It appears to be working correctly so I am not sure what you are seeing in your review.

I would need to click on the 'Complete' button myself to see if the same thing is happening for me. We would then be able to determine if it is an issue specific to your review. Before I try to complete those 59 items you will need to let me know whose coding I should select for the completion of the agreements (Jessica's or Lesly's). The reason it makes a difference which name I select is that sometimes you and Lesly have added text through the info button while coding and the name I select will choose that persons text for the competed version. 

 Best regards,


[ This reply no longer applies as we identified the problem and have made a correction to the software. Please see the next reply for details. ]

New Post
27/09/2012 13:00

Hello Jessica,

We looked into your issue a bit further and have found the reason that you were unable to 'complete' those items. In a software update that we did in July a issue was introduced to the completion code in the comparison table. In a particular scenario, if the item(s) to be completed was present on another comparison, using a different codeset and was already marked as completed in this second codeset, then it was getting overlooked by the completing function. This is why it was telling you 0 items were being completed when you tried to complete those 59 items.

We have made a correction to the program so you should now be able to complete those items. If you have any other problems please let us know.

Best regards,


New Post
27/09/2012 22:20

 Hi Jeff,

Thank you again. I wanted to let you know that the correction that you applied to the software allowed us to successfuly "complete" the agreed documents for both Groups.



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