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18/09/2012 15:52

Thanks for that Jeff. My problem is that I've also tried to view the 'Quick report' function in the comparison window but this is not working either?
Is it at this point that I'll be able to source out the descrepancies only related to included articles (I am not too bothered with which exclusion group they are categorised into with over 8000 references to sort through)


New Post
18/09/2012 16:31

Hello Ella,

I'm assuming this is a continuation of your previous thread.

I had a quick look at your review (I'm assuming it is the 'Weight change and health' review) and the comparison that you created. When you create the comparison you should restrict it to the items that you want to compare. This is the 'Set attribute (optional)' option. Then, when you run the quick report it will be limited to those selected items. The 'Select this code(set)' option (that you see when you run the report) is used to select your codeset (most likely the  'Screen on title and abstract' codeset) that you want the report to display.

I just tried this on your data and was able to see the report.

If you click on the 'View' (stats) button in the comparison you can see the agreements and disagreements. Clicking on the 'Complete' button will mark all of the agreements as 'complete'. You then only need to look at the disagreements (that can be listed by clicking on the button in the disagreements column).

Best regards,




New Post
18/09/2012 16:37

Hello Ella,

Further to my previous post, if you are only interested in whether the item is excluded or included (but still wanted to know why it was excluded) you could have a lower level of hierarch in the screening tool that had just two codes (Include and Exclude). The coder would first screen the item at the higher hierarchy and then mark Exclude or Include at the lower hierarchy. Then you could just run your comparisons at the lower hierarchy and have binary results to look at.

Best regards,


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