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New Post
18/09/2012 13:26

For some reason, I cannot seem to run reports to compare frequencies of included/excluded items for two independent reviewers. Nothing comes up when child frequencies is selected (I have tried both included and excluded options).


Can this only be done once an allocation group is completed? Or can you perform frequency reports mid-way through them? Any ideas of why I may be having problems?






New Post
18/09/2012 15:41

Hello Ella,

I believe you are asking the same question that you placed in the 'New features' request group. I have answered that question there but I can have a look at it here as well.

For an items coding to be available to the program's searching and reporting functions (including frequency reports) that items coding must be marked as 'complete'. If you are not seeing  your coding in your frequency report this is the most likely explanation. If the codeset containing the codes you are running the frequency report against is set for multiple data entry then you will need to manually complete those items. A quick way to check if your have 'incomplete' items is by looking in the 'Review statistics' tab and seeing if there are 'incomplete' items listed in the 'incomplete' table. You can either manually complete those items in the 'Document details' window or you can bulk complete the items in the 'Review statistics' tab by clicking on the green check next to a name.

The thing to be aware of when you mark an item's coding as complete is that the coding of the person who completes the item (or the name that you select if bulk completing) becomes the completed coding.

If you wish to see the coding before you 'complete' the item you can create a comparison in the Collaborate tab. Once the comparison is created you can then run a 'Quick report' to see how each item has been coded by each coder. You can also go into each item (i.e. the 'Document details' window), turn on 'Live comparison' and step through each item to see all of the coding.

Best regards,



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