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30/08/2012 21:47

Is there a 'key word/find' option when you have abstracts during level 1 screening?

New Post
31/08/2012 10:19

Hello Zarique

I'm not sure if I understand what you mean by 'key word/find' option. Do you mean search for keywords in the abstracts? You can do this in the Search tab by running a search using 'containing this text' and restricting it to 'title/abstract'. If you wanted to limit that search to particular items you could combine that search with a 'with this code' search.

If you were interested in identifying key terms and themes in your abstracts you could run the 'automatically generate codes' function (this is the gear shaped icon in the Documents tab). This clustering utiltiy will look through your abstracts and identify and catagorise related terms and themes. This is useful for identifying keywords that you may not have identified in your initial searches and may wish to include in subsequent searches. It can also be used to create a map of key terms based on your abstracts.

Best regards,


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