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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Marking papers as incomplete in level 1 screening Marking papers as incomplete in level 1 screening
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29/08/2012 22:45

 For my level 1 screening I have 1000 papers that are marked as complete. I was wondering if there was a way to mark them all as incomplete without doing it one by one. Furthermore, these 1000 papers are only those which are marked as 'yes' from one of my several screening questions. In other words, I would like to mark papers as incomplete from a specific question. 

New Post
30/08/2012 11:39

Hello Zarique,

It is possible to bulk 'complete' and 'uncomplete' items but not based on a particular question/code.

If you look in the the 'Review statistics' tab (bottom right hand corner of the screen) you will see a 'complete coding' and 'Incomplete coding' table. if you expand a codeset in either table you will see who has 'completed' and 'uncompleted' coded items using a particular codeset. I had a quick look at your review and can see that there are 3485 items marked as 'completed' next to your name with respect to your 'Level 1 Screening' codeset. If you were to click on the red disc next to your name all 3485 items will be marked as 'not complete'.

Unfortunately there isn't a way to bulk 'uncomplete' items based on a particular code. I can see where this would be a useful addition to the program and may be something we should look at adding.

In the meantime, if you have a way of easily identifying the items that you need to change to 'not complete' (i.e. assign them a new code from a different codeset, perhaps a temporary code in your allocation codeset) we might have a script that will do what you require.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Marking papers as incomplete in level 1 screening Marking papers as incomplete in level 1 screening

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