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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Producing table reportsProducing table reports
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29/08/2012 17:29

Hello Eppi Support/Jeff,


I have just figured out how to produce reports when the report type is set for "Questions". However, I am wondering if there is any way to produce a tabled report that could either be exported into Excel or produce a table similar to Excel's format.  I imagine this would require changing the report type to "Answers" but all of my coding has been set up as "Selectable" options. I have not entered any data as "Outcome" or "Intervention" for example. Is it possible to produce these types of tables when data has been entered in such a way?  (This is in reference to the deworming review 920).


Thanks for your help,


New Post
29/08/2012 17:49

Hello Katelyn,

To get any report into Excel you should

1. save the report to rtf
2. open the rtf file in word
3. copy table to your clipboard
4. paste into excel (sometimes you may want to  widen the columns so there's less wrapping)

How your report will appear will depend on how you set it up in EPPI-Reviewer. If you create it with many columns and put a question in each colum then you will end up with a report where each of your questions are a column and your answers are in the rows. You can place multiple questions in a column or just a single question depending on how you wish it to appear. If it is a 'Question' report the children below the question that you drag in will be displayed as the answers. If you have multiple levels of hierarchy in your coding tool you will need to think about what level is the question and what level is the answer.

'Answer' reports mean that you drag an answer (lowest level of hierarchy) into the column. You might use an answer report if you wanted to display your numeric outcome data.

Best regards,




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