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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...unable to upload a pdfunable to upload a pdf
New Post
01/08/2012 20:27

Hi Jeff,

We are starting to upload the papers that we need for full-text screening and we came across a problem.  For document #7529097, we tried to upload the pdf file, but got an error message that says "Unable to translate Unicode character \uD835 at index 127790 to specified code page". We tried to upload a couple of different pdfs to see if the system would take them, but the error message was the same each time.   Any ideas what's going on?



New Post
02/08/2012 11:27

Dear Lesly,
I have not seen that particular error, but I do have a reasonable explanation for what may be the problem. Before jumping to conclusions, I'd like to have a go and test my hypothesis: could you send us ( a handful of the PDFs that are creating the problem? We know the upload mechanism is working fine at the moment, so it's almost certain that there is something with your particular PDFs that is causing the error.

New Post
06/08/2012 16:40

Short update for everyone's benefit:
We received their troublesome files and fixed the problem. Some PDF contain illegal characters that have the ability to compromise the upload/storage of PDFs. Unfortunately, we can only fix this type of issue as and when it happens: there is no comprehensive list of this type of characters and they usually show up in awkward and/or malformed PDFs. The particular class of characters that created this error is now known to us and will not create any problem in the future.

For everyone: if you'll get a similar error after uploading a PDF (after the upload is complete, the list of documents will remain/become empty). Please send the troublesome document to EPPISupport: we will isolate the problem and publish the solution as soon as possible.



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