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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Unable to list items according to codeUnable to list items according to code
New Post
25/06/2012 07:26


I recently accessed my review after having a break from working on it and I have been unable to list items according to previously applied codes. For example, in my initital screening code set I have a child code titled "exclude on geographic location" when I right click and select "list items with this code" it displays no items. However, I know that when I first commenced the review there were definitely items assigned to this code. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

New Post
25/06/2012 11:20

Hello Mitch,

I just had a look at your review. When you right-click on a a code to list items assigned that code you can select 'List items with this code' and also 'List items with this code (excluded)'. The 'List items with this code (excluded)' will list the items with that code that have also been assigned the 'E' (Exclude) flag. It appears that you have assigned the 'E' flag to the items assigned the 'Exclude Geographic Location' code.  That is why you do not see any items when you select the 'List items with this code' option.

Best regards,


New Post
30/07/2012 20:04

Dear Jeff,

Also on this topic, I assigned a newly uploaded document to a particular code. When I click on the details of that document, it shows a tick box under the approprate allocated code (ie. when the individual document is open and coding is displayed to the left). However, when I hit  "list items with this code" (when the individual document is not open and coding is displayed to the right) it does not appear. That is to say, that since having uploaded and assigning this document, the total documents showing should be 137 and not 136. I have not yet labelled these documents to be included/excluded and therefore they are all still left to be included.

If you are able and willing to look into it, I am referring to the code entitled "(137 included /1840) full text screening allocation" under "Allocation groups" and I want to include the individual study "Miguel, 2004" as shown as a solitary upload in the sources tab.

Thanks for you help,


New Post
31/07/2012 11:10

Hello Katelyn,

The reason you are not seeing the '(137 included /1840) full text screening allocation' code under the 'Miguel (2004)' item is that the 'Allocation groups' codeset is set for multiple data entry. When a codeset is set for multiple data entry the user needs to manually 'complete' any codings applied from that codeset (as multiple data entry implies that you will be double (or triple) coding items using codes from that codeset).

You probably want to change the 'Allocation groups' codeset to single data entry as you are not double coding using that codeset. That codeset is used to identify the items that you want to double code using your other codesets (such as 'Abstract and title screening' and 'Full text screening').

If you look in the 'Review statistics' tab and expand 'Allocation groups' in the 'Incomplete coding' table you will see there is one item next to your name that is 'not complete'. If you click on the '1' it will pull up that item which is 'Miguel (2004)'. If you click on the green check next to the '1' (next to your name in the 'Incomplete coding' table in the 'Review statistics' tab) it will complete that item and the '(137 included /1840) full text screening allocation' code assigned to it will show up when you select 'List items with this code'.

If you then change the 'Allocation groups' codeset to single data entry, any codes that you apply to an item using that codeset (such as the '(137 included /1840) full text screening allocation' code) will automatically mark that item as complete (wrt to that codeset) and will show up in your 'List items with this code' reports.

Best regards,



New Post
31/07/2012 17:52
Yes Jeff, that was exactly it. Very helpful. Thank you. Katelyn
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