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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Inductive coding - showing coded text in document being codedInductive coding - showing coded text in document being coded
New Post
27/07/2012 14:16

I am trialling EPPI Reviewer for a review of qualitative studies using inductive coding. Whilst it is possible to view coded text by code using the 'Show text coded with this code' function, it doesn't seem to be possible to see which text has been coded in the document being worked on. Have I missed something or is this not possible?

New Post
27/07/2012 15:36

Hello Rachel,

The 'Show text coded with this code' function will highlight (in yellow) all of the text in the document currently being worked on that has the select code assigned to it. You may need to scroll to see it depending where it is in the document. The highlighting is displayed in the 'Text document' tab.

The 'Report: all text coded with this code' function will display the location and the selected text in a report. It will show across all documents but the report will be separated by document so you can find the text specific to a particular document.

If you right-click the document (in the 'Text document' tab) and select 'Highlight all' it will highlight coded text. You can also select any text and the box at the bottom of the screen will tell you which codes have been applied to the selected text.

For the future, we are planning to add a new pdf viewer to the program that will allow highlighting of text directly in the pdf (rather than the text window). We will make an announcement when that is available.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Inductive coding - showing coded text in document being codedInductive coding - showing coded text in document being coded

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