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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Processing power necessary to sustain coding generation/editingProcessing power necessary to sustain coding generation/editing
New Post
26/07/2012 21:26


I seem to be having extremely long wait times for Eppi Reviewer to process coding gerneration/edits. I'm just wondering if this is the nature of the program or if my computer is not up-to-date enough to handle the processing power required to run the program. Have any other users reported problems around this? Are you able to provide information about minimum RAM required?




New Post
27/07/2012 14:41

Hello Kate,

You shouldn't be having long wait. Is it a particular screen/function that seems to be slow for you?

Much of the program runs on the user's computer so if the delay is in drawing something to the screen then I would suspect the user's computer. If the slowness is in retrieving data from our servers then it could be the internet connection or possibly the query that is running on our server.

If you are running the program behind a firewall it may be delaying the data leaving your computer and returning to your computer.

As for the minimum ram requirements, most modern computers will probably have at least 2 Megabytes of ram (and probably more) and that should be enough. If you let me know what your present setup is I can let you know if it might be an issue.

Best regards,



New Post
27/07/2012 18:39

Dear Jeff,

Thank you for getting back so quickly. Based on your reply, this must be an issue with my computer (although I did check and it does have 2.0MB of ram). I am going to try on a few different computers to see if there is any improvement.

The really long delays only really happen when trying to edit codes.


New Post
30/07/2012 10:39

Hello Katelyn,

I had a look at your review. Your data extraction codeset is large but not unreasonably so. I have noticed that when making multiple edits in a codeset that is large, the editing process seems to get slower that more edits that I make. If I reload the review (by going to the 'My info' tab and reselecting the review) it speeds up again. This would suggest to me that it is a memory (ram) issue as reloading the review releases the memory that is used to hold the codeset for editing. The more memory your computer has, the less slowdown you will see.

We can look into this a bit further but in the meantime, you may find that reloading the review might help move things along.

Best regards,


New Post
30/07/2012 19:49

Dear Jeff,


Thank you for following up with my issue. Yes, I did just reload review as you suggested and that did seem to make some difference in the processing speed.



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Processing power necessary to sustain coding generation/editingProcessing power necessary to sustain coding generation/editing

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