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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...question about comparison statistics in dual codingquestion about comparison statistics in dual coding
New Post
20/07/2012 16:29

 I have two pairs of coders working on screening documents on title and abstract.  One pair of coders has finished their set of documents.  We each were assigned 1980 documents to code, as seen in the Collaborate screen.  When I run Create Comparison to see how we have agreed, and then hit Stats => View, I get a screen that says that one of us has coded 1982 documents and the other has coded 1988 documents. Furthermore, it says that the number of docs coded by both of us is 1978. None of these latter numbers is the same as 1980, the number of documents we were each allocated. What am I missing?

New Post
20/07/2012 17:52

Hello Lesly,

The reason you are seeing more items in the comparison that what was allocated is that the comparison was not restricted to the items that were allocated. When creating the comparison there is a 'Set attribute (optional)' button in the 'Create comparison record' window. For this option you need to select the code that identifies the items that make up your allocation. Once you do this the comparison will be restricted to the allocated items. Since both of you have screened a few items outside of the 1980 items allocation, those items are showing up in the comparison.

I created a new comparison for you and restricted it to 'group 1'. In this you can see that it shows Jessica having coded 1976 items and Lesly having coded 1978 items. The reason for the lower numbers is that the comparison is counting codes while the allocation is comparing items started. This means that both of you may have started an item but then removed the code (i.e. it was started but no code applied).

If I 'Run' a 'Quick report' in the comparison table I can see the codes that each of you have applied. In this I can see that Lesly has not applied a code to items 7527129 and 7529468 while Jessica has not applied codes to items 7526959, 7527672, 7527715 and 7529548. This matches up with the what you see in the statistics (1978 and 1976 coded items). These items do not overlap so there are 6 items not double coded which matches the 1974 value. If you go into any of those items and run a comparison you will see a code is missing.

The two of you just need to code those items (4 for Jessica and 2 for Lesly) and then create a new comparison. It should then show 1980 for both of you.

Best regards,


New Post
23/07/2012 18:03

 Jeff, that makes perfect sense now - thanks so much.  However we seem to have hit another snag.  I went and coded the documents that I had missed and Jessica did three out of the four that she had missed.  The fourth document, 7526959, seems to be missing from our references entirely. We can see it showing up on the report as uncoded by Jess and coded by Lesly, but we can't find it anywhere.  It doesn't appear to have been deleted, but it isn't showing up when we search for it. What have we done, I wonder?

New Post
24/07/2012 13:33

Hello Lesly,

A quick way to find an item is to run a search in the Search tab. If you select 'containing this text' in the first dropdown, ID number in the text box and Document ID fields in the last dropdown the item will show up. I ran the search in your 'Search' tab so you can see it.

Another way is to use the Find box in the documents tab. The trick to using this is that it is only looking in the loaded page so if you have many pages you would need to check in each one (the default page size is 700 items).

Best regards,


New Post
26/07/2012 17:03

 Thanks, Jeff. 

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