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New Post
06/07/2012 13:38

 Dear Jeff

I've read the threads relating to copying code sets, but I wasn't able to copy codesets from a shareable review into a new review - is there a way I could do this please?

Basically, we started a review on EPPI and we need to keep this for audit purposes, but we would also like to duplicate the review so that we can do some extra work with the data and write some publications (without wiping or changing the original data).

I hope that makes sense and that this is possible.

Thanks very much.


New Post
06/07/2012 14:33

Hello Fiona,

You can copy coding tools/codesets from one review to another (or to the same review) in the Utilities page of the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 account and review manager' that you can find on the the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4' gateway' (

You will need to be the owner of both the source review and the destination review to be able to copy the codeset. If you are unable to reach one the two reviews because you are not the owner let me know I should be able to help you out.

There isn't a mechanism to allow a user to copy a complete review (all of the items and all of the coding applied to those items) into a new review. We do have a function to copy a non-shareable review (this is what we use to place a non-shareable example review in all new user accounts) but we do not have one to copy shareable reviews (at this time).

Best regards,


New Post
06/07/2012 15:36

 Thanks very much Jeff. I'd like to copy codesets from the MTA Omalizumab 2011/2012 review, but I'm not the owner of the review (I think Nerys Woolacott is). Please could you help me with this.

Thanks again.

kind regards


New Post
06/07/2012 16:51
Accepted Answer 

Hello Fiona,

In my earlier email I when I said you needed to be review owner I should have said a review admin. You are already in the 'MTA Omalizumab 2011/2012 review' so I have made you an administrator of the review as well. You should now see that review in the list of 'Source' and Destination' reviews when you are on the 'Utilities' -> 'Codesets' page of the 'EPPI-Reviewer 4 account and review manager'.

Best regards,


New Post
06/07/2012 16:56

 Thanks very much Jeff, that's great and I've managed to copy codesets across.

kind regards


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