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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Extracting numeric non-outcome dataExtracting numeric non-outcome data
New Post
16/05/2012 07:56

Is it possible to set up extraction of numeric non-outcome data? For example, my paper data extraction form contains an item "Number of males randomised".

The main purpose would be to use Eppi as the single place to perform data extraction, even if Eppi can do no more with the data than display and export it.

I'm also interested in finding out how double data extraction works, and was interested in the following statement from Jeff:

"If you are carrying out double data extraction (two people data extracting the same study) a simple agreement or disagreement comparison as used in screening is usually not sufficient as data extraction tools are normally much more involved than screening tools. I have attached a document that I hope to incorporate into the user manual in the near future. It describes ‘Independent multi-user data extraction’ and how you would do this in EPPI-Reviewer."

New Post
16/05/2012 11:49

Hello Malcom,

I normally recommend setting up the coding tool so the selectable answers have distinct values or ranges. This allows the reporting functions such as cross-tabs to be used more effectively. But sometimes that is not possible or the exact value is very important. In that case you can set up your question as 'Number of males randomised' with an answer of 'Please enter the value'. The value would then be entered in the 'Info' box.

In the codetypes (under properties) you might have seen a codetype called 'Selectable (future Numeric value - N/A)'. This codetype has not yet been implemented but when it is, it will generate numerical statistics on the value entered in the Info box. We have had a number of requests for this recently so have move it up higher on our to-do list. In the meantime, if you need to generate statistics for the entered values, you could generate a report restricting it to the text in the info box for that question. This report will just show the numeric data for that question for each item. The report can then be saved as an excel spreadsheet where you could generate statistics on the entered values.

As for that that document on double data extraction, I will email it to you. I will also try to implement it into the user manual as soon as possible.

Best regards,



New Post
17/05/2012 01:13

Thanks Jeff, that makes sense.

I will have many of these items. Is there a quick way to export the responses for an entire codeset?

I had a quick go making (manually) adding all the items to a report, but as I added them, the columns rapidly became too narrow to read properly, and when I ran the report I got some kind of internal query error (perhaps because I accidentally added the wrong item to the report template).

New Post
17/05/2012 11:49

Hello Malcolm,

There is a quick way to export the responses for an entire codeset.

The first thing to do is select the items (in the Documents tab) you want to appear in your report. Next, click on the icon labelled 'Get coding report(s) for selected item(s)'. It is the 4th icon over from the right. This will open the 'Item coding reports' window. In this window select the codeset you want to display the coding of and then click 'Get reports'.

This will produce a report that shows all of the coding for the selected codeset(s) and the selected item(s). You can then 'Save as' this report in a number of different formats. You can also cut and paste the report into other software depending on what you wish to do.


New Post
18/05/2012 03:43

Thanks Jeff.

'Get coding report(s)' produces one page of structured text per study. While I could whip up some code to put this into a spreadsheet or database, is there a direct way to produce tabular output instead, for easy further analysis?

If you have the time and inclination, please feel free to take a look at the 'Data extraction' code set I'm trying in my review. (I only have two records with data entered: Jorgensen and Nduba).

New Post
21/05/2012 14:30

Hello Malcolm,

It sounds like what you need is to set up a report that includes all of the questions in your data extraction codeset.

In your review I created a report called 'Test report'. In that I placed a number of columns and then dragged a question into each column. To make it better for exporting I edited the column so the first 'Column title' box holds name of the question and the second 'Column title' box is blank. That way the question is only repeated once at the top of the column.

Please run your coded items against that report and let me know if that is what you had in mind.

Best regards,


New Post
22/05/2012 07:45

Hi Jeff,

I think I need an "Answer" report, not a "Question" report, i.e. one row per study. Otherwise I will need to further massage the tabular data before it's suitable to be imported into a database.

I would also like to include the outcome data and I believe that necessitates an "Answer" format report as well.

So it sounds like the process might involve combining a couple of reports and manipulating the data afterwards?

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Extracting numeric non-outcome dataExtracting numeric non-outcome data

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