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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Export more than 700 documents at a time to RIS format. Export more than 700 documents at a time to RIS format.
New Post
16/08/2016 23:06


Apologies if this already covered in the manual and i missed it. I am trying to export all my deduplicated references I have into one ris file. I can give them all a code and list them or list all included references, but i can only select 700 at a time for the export feature on the toolbar. As i have a lot of references it would be inefficient to do this for every page of references-- is there a way i can export around 20,000 of my references in one go?


New Post
17/08/2016 12:17

Hello  Giacomo,

The 700 items per page can be adjusted by clicking on the 'Select the fields you want to display...' icon that can be found on the 'Documents' tab. You can change it up to 4000 items per page. This means you would only need 5 files to export 20,000 items.

The 700 value has been selected as a default value as it a fair compromise for different internet speeds and computers. Displaying more items on each page means that it will take longer to load the screen but if it is only temporary it shouldn't be an issue.

Best regards,


New Post
17/08/2016 16:04

Thanks! I have one last question. I would like to give codes to all the references that i have imported from certain sources. However, after deduplication i can only code the references which are master copies and not the shadow references, however in the case of shadow references I would like the master reference to be coded (even if its listed within a different source). Is there any way of doing this without manually going to each shadow reference and finding the master reference and giving it a code? 



New Post
18/08/2016 10:45

Hello Giacomo,

I'm not sure if I understand what you are asking but you can list items by source in the 'Sources' tab. You can then bulk assign a code to those items by selecting the listed items and using the 'Assign selected items to this code' option. The code will get assigned to all items (including any duplicate items) but that shouldn't be an issue as duplicate items will not show up in any of the searching and reporting functions (such as 'List items with this code'). 

Is that what you mean?

Best regards,


New Post
18/08/2016 12:17


Sorry i should have been clearer. Say that I have got 1000 references from a single source and 300 are marked as duplicate/shadow references. I would like to be able to code all 1000 references with a single code. In the case of duplicates, when they are coded it would be useful if their code is passed on to the master reference. So in the case of the duplicate references from the source i would like the master copies from the other sources to be listed. If there isn't a way of doing this automatically I can do this by hand finding each of the master references within a source as the numbers are not too big... but it would be handy if there was an easier way of doing this!



New Post
19/08/2016 15:40

Hello Giacomo,

There isn't a way to do this automatically and with the number of items that you have in your review it would be quite diffiucult to do this manually.

Perhaps I am not understanding what the purpose would be in doing this. Is it to identify all of the different sources that contained a particular item? If it is for methodological purposes we might be able to create a script to cascade through the items to identify each master item and the source(s) of all of its duplicates.

Or am I misunderstanding what you are trying to do?

Best regards,


New Post
19/08/2016 16:28


Basically i have three sources (which have around 10-100 references each) which are references sourced from previous reviews and initial searches, and have already been coded as potentially relevant. Because I know they are all relevant I would like to give them all a specific code, however because the numbers for these specific groups of references are quite small I think it would be fine to do it manually, I just wanted to check that there wasn't an automatic way of coding them before i go through them all.



New Post
22/08/2016 11:42

Hello Giacomo,

Bulk applying a code to a number of items can be done in 'Document' tab. If you list and selected the relevant items in the 'Documents' tab you can then right-click the code that you wish to apply and chose the 'Assign selected items to this code' option.

The selected code will then be assigned to all of of your selected items.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Export more than 700 documents at a time to RIS format. Export more than 700 documents at a time to RIS format.

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