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04/08/2016 16:08

Hello - I am encountering an error message when I try to upload a document. This is when I am viewing a full citation and I click to upload a pdf of the paper at the bottom. I am able to select the pdf and click upload. It even shows the progress going along to almost 100% and then the error pops up saying to contact support. How do I get around this? This is in relation to review 8196.

New Post
04/08/2016 18:01

Hello Helen,

Thanks for getting in touch!
I'm sorry to hear about this problem. Am I right in thinking that this problem happens with one or more particular PDFs? If that's the case, I guess the best way forward would be for you to send us the files. It is possible that there is something in the files which is making the process fail, in such a case, we are normally able to help.

Otherwise, please check that the files aren't bigger than 15MB, this size limit is hard-coded in EPPI-Reviewer, but if you are hitting it, it shouldn't ask to contact support... If the problem appears to be erratic (i.e. the same file might or might not fail to upload), then it will be more difficult to solve. On the upside, you may be able to succeed by trying again, but we would still like to know if that's the case, as it indicates a hard-to-solve problem which we certainly should try to address.


New Post
04/08/2016 18:06

Sorry, forgot to specify: you might send the files to, it would help if you could also tell us to what item(s) you wish to upload them to (in case we can help, we'll do it for you).


New Post
05/08/2016 12:12

Thanks for your response. I tried again this morning and after an initial error message about debugging strings when I logged in (which meant my saved searches were missing), I was able to resolve this issue. I uploaded my pdf successfully to item 19385801 and 19386323. Both pdf docs were less than 5MB so I don't have any explanation as to why they did not work previously (I did try multiple times yesterday). But this has resolved now.



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