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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Marking multiple records as completeMarking multiple records as complete
New Post
28/07/2016 06:53

Having done comparison coding for full text screening we have 50 dual coded items that we can now mark as complete where raters agree, but we still have 300 additional items that have been coded under comparison coding settings that we need to complete 'as they are'. We don't want to go through each one and individually mark as complete, so could you tell me how I can 'bulk' complete these records, please?


New Post
01/08/2016 19:13

Hello Neal,
Apologies for the late reply.
if I understand the situation correctly, the 300 additional items have been coded by one person only and you don't need to complete them through a comparison, right? If that's the case, you can complete them in bulk via the "Review Statistics" tab. In the "incomplete" section, expand the lines for the appropriate code-set and then click the the green "v" icon for each reviewer (doesn't work for the whole set, only for each reviewer). Repeat until there isn't any row for the current set and all the codings will have been completed.
To remain on the safe side, just in case there are some items that have been double coded but not completed, before doing the above I would create a comparison, complete all the agreements through the comparison, complete all disagreements via the "reconcile" button/window, and then proceed with bulk completion of all the remaining codings (as per instructions above).

I hope this helps!

HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Marking multiple records as completeMarking multiple records as complete

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