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New Post
28/07/2016 21:48


I am trying to compare the codes of myself and another coder for a small subset of articles. I tried the below described strategy, however when I run the comparison, EPPI says I have not coded any articles even though I have and I have "completed" them. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


"When you create a comparison in the 'Collaborate' tab you can use the 'Set filter (optional)' function to limit the comparison to a particular group of items. If you want to limit it a particular 20 items you just need to assign an identifying code to those items and then use that code as the filter."

New Post
01/08/2016 19:05

Hello Cara,
Apologies for the slow reply, the automatic email notifications have stopped working, throwing a spanner in the works (feel free to contact us via email if it's easier!).

The answer to your question is simple: in EPPI-Reviewer, completed coding is considered already reconciled. Since comparisons are the main mechanism to reconcile differences in double coding/screening exercises, and since that is (almost) their only function, they will automatically ignore all coding which is already marked as completed. In other words, EPPI-Reviewer reports that you I have not coded articles because you have "completed" all your codings.

Solution is to go to the "Review Statistics" tab and un-complete your coding in bulk (in the "Completed" section, click on the red "no entry" sign for the screening set and your name - you'll need to expand the details for the screening set). If required, please repeat the process for the other reviewer.You can now create a new comparison, this time it will pick up your codings.

Comparisons save snapshots of the situation as it was when they where created, so you may want to delete the ones that contain no useful numbers.

I hope this helps!

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