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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Random allocation or comparison codingRandom allocation or comparison coding
New Post
14/07/2016 14:35

Hi - I have already screened all of my results for titles and abstracts and some of the full papers. I would now like to randomly assign 10% of results to be double-screened at both of these screening steps. I have added a new reviewer to my shared review. But based on the information in the manual, I am very uncertain as to whether assigning the random 10% of the correct codesets will then allow me to compare any disagreements with our results. It appears that I have to do this through comparison coding. I am also afraid to change the codesets from the single reviewer to multiple reviewer because of the warning message that pops up. I do not want to lose all of the coding that I have already done. Could you please tell me which approach to use if I want to randomly assign 10% of the coding but I also want to then compare any disagreements. This relates to review 8196. 

New Post
18/07/2016 14:25

Hello Helen,

Changing a codeset's property from normal data entry (single screening) to Comparison coding (double screening) will only affect any subsequent screening that takes place. You won't lose any coding that you have already done.

If you have already single screened all of items then that coding will be already marked as 'complete'. If you wish to double screen 10% of that 'completed' coding you would need to mark that 10% as 'not complete'. Marking individual items as 'not complete' will be a long process as you would need to do so on an item-by-item basis. The easiest/quickest way to for you to proceed might be to mark all of your coding as 'not complete'. This could be done in one operation in the 'Review statistics' tab. You could then set up coding assignments of that 10% for yourself and the other reviewer. The system would see you as having completed your coding assignment and the other person could then screen their items (don't forget to set the screening tool to comparison coding for this). You would then set up a comparison to identify your agreements and disagreements. You could then 'complete' your agreements and 'reconcile and complete' your disagreements.

Once that was done you could return your remaining 90% back to 'completed'. This is done in one operation in the 'Reviewer statistics' tab.

Best regards,


New Post
18/07/2016 17:32

Thanks Jeff

I have followed your instructions and the information in the manual for allocating coding. When I followed the instructions to 'Assign documents to specified codes randomly' no new groups were added under the Allocation Groups codeset as the manual states will happen. Because I have already screened everything I selected 'All with any codes from this codeset'. Could you please tell me why a new group was not created and how to fix this?



New Post
19/07/2016 12:42

Hello Helen,

Since the coding has been set to 'not complete' that coding will not be available to the programs searching and reporting functions (only 'completed' coding is accessible). This means that the 'All with any codes from this codeset' will return no items.

Since you want all of the items you could select the default option 'No code/codeset filter'. This will select all of the items. You could also select the 'All  without any codes from this codeset' to get all of the items.

Best regards,



HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...Random allocation or comparison codingRandom allocation or comparison coding

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