
Forum (Archive)

This forum is kept largely for historic reasons and for our latest changes announcements. (It was focused around the older EPPI Reviewer version 4.)

There are many informative posts and answers to common questions, but you may find our videos and other resources more informative if you are an EPPI Reviewer WEB user.

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15/07/2016 13:09

Is it possible to use EPPI on a tablet?

New Post
18/07/2016 14:12

Hello Jaime,

The answer depends on the tablet you are using.

EPPI-Reviewer runs in the Microsoft browser plugin Silverlight. If you have a tablet that is running Windows 10 and has Internet Explorer installed on it you would be able to install Silverlight. In that case you could run EPPI-Reviewer.

If you have a tablet running iOS or Android then you wouldn't be able to run EPPI-Reviewer as you couldn't install Silverlight on those operating systems.

We have an html screening app in development that will allow you to screen items from any tablet or phone but that is not ready at this time.

Best regards,

Jeff Brunton

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