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HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...line-by-line codingline-by-line coding
New Post
24/06/2016 19:43
This concerns a Cochrane review.

I have set two coauthors as coding only.

I have made assignments.

They both report that the line-by-line coding attachment button is greyed. They are unable to do line-by-line coding.

In our initial pilot trial of our coding set, I was able to do line-by-line coding of the same pdf file.

I don't know what to debug.

New Post
24/06/2016 19:51
I just received some more info from one of my coauthors.

"In the FAQ I have found the following statement:
A number of the icons in my review are disabled. What is going on?
When you see disabled icons you are in read-only mode. It may be that your account has expired or it may be that the review has expired (if you are the owner of the review). In read-only mode your can look at your data and run reports on your data but you will not be able to edit or enter new data. In this situation you can either purchase access to make your account or review active again (as appropriate) or if you just need read-only access you can contact us as at and we will set your expiry date to the present day minus 1day.

But at the button My Info is written:
Your account expires on 24.06.2017 and current Review is private (expires with your account)
so I don't know why we are in the "read-only mode"."

Nathan writing again. I went to Account Manager. My two coauthors are marked coding only. They are not checked read only.
New Post
29/06/2016 10:45

Hello Nathan,

The 'Coding only' role doesn't allow line-by-line coding as this activity normally requires the reviewer to edit or add codes to the coding tool (which breaks the 'coding-only' restriction).

If they are going to be using the line-by-line coding functionality you will need to remove the 'coding-only' role.

If you have any questions about this please let me know.

Best regards,


New Post
29/06/2016 21:18

However, I don't understand the logical necessity of equating line-by-line coding with
New Post
29/06/2016 21:22
However, I don't understand the logical necessity of equating line-by-line coding with code changing.
New Post
30/06/2016 10:39

Hello Nathan,

This might be a situation where the use of the line-by-line coding has evolved from how we originally saw it being used. It's original use was to record descriptive and analytic themes in the text of the studies. As new themes were identified new codes would be added to the coding tool by the reviewer. The coding tool would be created on the fly as the reviewer read through the study.

It appears that people are also using it for normal coding and rather than entering textual information in the 'Info' boxes they are highlighting text in the studies instead. It's not a problem to use it in that way. It just means that we need to re-think about the coding-only restriction that was placed on the line-by-line coding functionality.

We will discuss lifting this restriction. We would keep the editing of the coding tool restricted by we should be able to lift the line-by-line pdf coding restriction. I will let you know what we decide.

Best regards,


HomeHomeUsing EPPI-Revi...Using EPPI-Revi...Questions about...Questions about...line-by-line codingline-by-line coding

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