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New Post
07/05/2016 12:10


I am currently using the EPPI-Reviewer 4 to carry out a thematic synthesis and am in the process of inductively coding my data.  I would like to produce a report of all of the codes (and associated text) applied to a single article as well as a report that lists these codes and associated text across all articles in the synthesis.  Unfortunately, I have been struggling to get these reports generated despite following the manual/You Tube instructions.  Is it possible that someone could give me a breakdown of the indivdual steps I need to take to get these report?

Many thanks, Sarah.

New Post
10/05/2016 15:08

Hello Sarah,

There are a few ways to approach this.

To get all of the coding for one item you can go to the 'Coding record' tab in the 'Document details' window for that item. In 'Coding record' tab you will see a table of all of the coding that has taken place on that item. If you click 'View' in the appropriate row (the one that has the correct reviewer and coding tool) in that table a report will be displayed with all of the coding.

To get a report across all items for a particular tool you can use the 'Coding report' function (two icons to the left of the binoculars in the 'Documents' tab). If you first select the items to include in the report then click that icon a window will appear where you can select the coding tool that will be used to create the report.

You can also create similar reports using the configurable report functions in the 'Reports' tab. Configurable reports allow you to create a report structure that you can run multiple times against different groups of items.

If you have any questions about this please let me know.

Best regards,
Jeff Brunton

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